Perugia June 16, 2024

Soprano Haydee Dabusti has been appointed World Ambassador of the Perugia 1416 Historic Parade for a period of one year.

Honorable Mention to soprano Haydée Dabusti

"In recognition of his passion and joy of living, which is transmitted to all our students and gymnastics community. Thank you for being part of this family” “Thank you very much . I feel very honoured “ School “Gimnacia del Norte “

Haydée Dabusti has received the Diploma as a Missionary of Peace at The Cathedral of Buenos Aires

She was given it by the President of "Action de Paz ” Dr. Alejandro D’Alessandro.

Distinction awarded by HE Ambassador from the Arab Emirates

Soprano Haydée Dabusti feels honoured and grateful for the distinction awarded by HE Ambassador from the Arab Emirates Saeed Abdulla ALQEMZI on the occasion of the 52 st Special National Day - 21/9/23

Distinction awarded by HE Ambassador from the Arab Emirates

Soprano Haydée Dabusti feels honoured and grateful for the distinction awarded by HE Ambassador from the Arab Emirates Saeed Abdulla ALQEMZI on the occasion of the 51st Special National Day . 1/12/22

Honorable Mention to soprano Haydée Dabusti - 25/4/22

“In recognition of his passion and joy of living, which is transmitted to all our students and gymnastics community. Thank you for being part of this family”

“Thank you very much .
I feel very honoured “
School “Gimnacia del Norte “

Haydée Dabusti has been honored in Dubai

Haydée Dabusti has been honored to have received the Dubai UAE Flag and UAE icon. Special national day . Shaficameo Photographer Ministry of economy Dubai UAE

I received a Medal in Dubai

I received a Medal in Dubai for my contribution to Culture, the Arts and my Career as an International Lyrical Singer.

International Special Award BOOKS for PEACE 2020

For the second consecutive time distinction of the "International Special Award BOOKS for PEACE 2020" for the Soprano Haydée Dabusti By : Proff. Antonio Imeneo


Thank you very much; I feel honored again! “ Hello everyone . My name is Haydee Dabusti, I’m a soprano, a lyrical singer. First of all I want to thank the United Nations of Arts and Sciences for the distinction they have given to me. ?I want to talk to everyone in the world at this moment whilewe are living difficulties. It has to make us reflect on what we will do later and also on each one of us that we will do in our houses. We can do many things, like studying a new language, writing a poem, also meditating and praying; thank to God that we are alive. Let’s help each other, depending on the others so we can get out of this crisis together. Sometimes the word crisis can be used as a good thing to know when a big storm arrives if the ship is ready and also the crew, to know if we are well planted in life, what we need to learn, what we need to know and what we want to leave as a legacy in this life.”

The soprano Haydée Dabusti begins in 2020 her first performance in Sicily, Italy

The soprano Haydée Dabusti begins in 2020 her first performance in Sicily, Italy

Premio Internazionale -Maria Callas- 2019

Il Soprano Haydée Dabusti ha ricevuto il premio Internazionale "Maria Callas" 2019 al Centro islamico di Verona, Italia

The International Scaliger Festival “Maria Callas”

Haydee Dabusti: “Honored to receive recognition for my twenty-year artistic career in the world of opera from the International Scaliger Festival "Maria Callas" - Verona, June 29, 2019.”

Distintion for the Soprano Haydée Dabusti. Modena, Italy

Rossini’s Choir Tribute to the Master Pavarotti’s Luciano Author: Tomaso Bonandini - Sculptor, Painter April 2019

Distinction for Haydee Dabusti

The Key of the City of Partinico is given in Sicily, Italy to the soprano Haydee Dabusti

Academician of Social Sciences

Il Mezzosoprano dott.ssa Maria Ratkova , per incarico del Presidente della "International Academy of Social Science" (IASS), West Palm Beach, Florida, United States of America, Dr. Otto F. von Feigenblatt, mi ha consegnato il diploma e le insegne di nomina di "Academician of Social Sciences".Ti ringrazio per Questa nomina che tanto Mi onora il Presidente e gli Accademici che me l'hanno consegnato , la Prof. Maria Ratkova e il Conte Prof. Giuseppe Tedeschi, Addetto di Anticamera di Sua Santità.

La Vergine Odigitria

Distinzione attribuita dalla Chiesa di Partinico, Sicilia, Italia al soprano Haydee Dabusti per il suo 18 ° anniversario nella carriera della lirica alla fine del 2017

Order of Merit, Municipality of Pakhribas, Nepal.

Order of Merit, Municipality of Pakhribas, Nepal.

Per Haydee Dabusti: L' Onorificenza di Commendatore dell' Ordine di Pakribas, del Nepal, concesso dal Governo del Parkibas. Premiano la sua Carriera.

Accademia di Scienze Sociali di Palm Beach, Florida.

Premiano la sua Carriera . Dr. Haydee Dabusti : "Accademico Onorario dell Accademia di Scienze Sociali di Palm Beach, Florida". HONORARY ACADEMIAN OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ( IASS) Sei autorizzato a usare il badge pubblicamente International Academic of Social Sciences Palm Beach Florida

New awards

The soprano Haydée Dabusti has been named "Lady Sanmartiniana" by the Sanmartiniano's Institute. La soprano Haydée Dabusti ha sido nombrada "Dama Sanmartiniana " por el Instituto Sanmartiniano Il soprano Haydée Dabusti è stato nominato "Lady Sanmartiniana" dall'Istituto Sanmartiniano

Una Voce per la Legalità


Invitation to Soprano Dabusti from Feder Teatri - Sicilia

ESPAÑOL Invitación a la soprano Haydée Dabusti a la Feder Teatri - Sicilia ITALIANO Invito al soprano Haydée Dabusti a Feder Teatri - Sicilia

Círculo Italiano distinguishes to Soprano Haydée Dabusti

Dear Haydée Dabusti: We are sending you from Círculo Italiano directors council, gratitude letter for your constant and precious support, from our director, Sebastian Impelluso. We hope to continue having it. Best regards. Círculo Italiano Secretary "As president of Círculo italiano in Buenos Aires, I'm inviting you to cooperate with our institution to diagram cultural and musical events." ITALIANO Stimata Soprano Haydée Dabusti, Vi inviamo, per conto del Consiglio di Circulo Italiano, la lettera di ringraziamento per la collaborazione continua e preziosa del Presidente del nostro Circolo Italiano, Sebastián Impelluso. Sperando di avere sempre la vostra collaborazione apprezzato vi saluto cordialmente. Circulo Italiano Segreteria. ?"Come Presidente del Circolo Italiano di Buenos Aires, desidero invitarla a collaborare con l'istituzione di diagrammi eventi culturali e musicali."

Per aver onorato -L'Accademia della Cultura- Con le sue Celesti Melodie. Con stima e gratitudine - Luglio 2016

Per aver onorato " L'Accademia della Cultura"Con le sue Celesti Melodie. Con stima e gratitudine - Luglio 2016

Comune di Partinico Cittadinanza Onoraria al Soprano Haydee Dabusti - 15 di Luglio 2016

Comune di Partinico Cittadinanza Onoraria al Soprano Haydee Dabusti - 15 di Luglio 2016